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Treatment and Rehab of Drug Addiction

Treatment and rehab of drug addiction. Goals and objectives are the patients did not take drugs / do not depend on the drug. Ability in work or school on a regular basis, can adapt to the environment and obtain a stable emotional state. But the ideal goals and objectives on treatment and rehab of drug addiction is rarely achieved, although the available manpower, equipment and facilities as self-sufficient. It is needed to specify the target is more simple and obvious, for example, no longer pressed on total abstinence, but aims at stability in jobs, schools regularly, adjust themselves in society and not a criminal act.

Treatment and rehab of drug addiction include :
  1. Treatment of Acute Intoxication Condition

    The main principle of this treatment is to maintain vital functions (breathing and blood flow).
    • In order for the patient remains conscious, for example by referring the patient to speak or give strong coffee.
    • The patient's body is not cold (wearing a blanket).
    • If the patient had just eaten narcotics, make for vomiting by stimulating the patient's throat.
      When the narcotic drug in an injection through a vein, tie her arms.
    • When the slow and shallow breathing, perform artificial respiration and if necessary take it to the ICU.

  2. Detoxification Withdrawal Treatment

    This treatment must consider the degree of physical dependence or the degree of patient tolerance to the type of drug abused.

    Drugs such as marijuana and hashish, rarely cause reactions severe enough and need medical help on the loose state of drug use. Sometimes it appears a state of acute panic, and relief must focus on the background of the user's personality issues and not on the drug.

    Symptomatic treatment is usually sufficient for loose drug use, but sometimes require treatment - medical complications.

  3. Treatment of Medical Complications (Physical, Psychological / Psychiatric) and Social
    • Physical Complications
      eg hepatitis, abscesses, bronchitis, etc.. The usual treatment for each state.
    • Complications Psychological / Psychiatric
      Patients with drug addiction, usually have a mental disorder such as disorders of personality, immature personality, anxiety, depression and even psychotic. Psychiatric disorders can be a cause of drug abuse, but drug abuse can cause psychiatric disorders.
    • Social Complications
      Efforts will be undertaken to increase the sense of social responsibility, for drug abusers and their families through individual or social case work, social group work, family case work, and community guidance on the misuse of drugs or the surrounding environment, a constant direction to the special groups (patients or persons associated with them).

  4. Rehabilitation

    Rehabilitation is an effort to provide guidance and direction in a systematic and continuous and conducted jointly with parents.

    In addition to rehab also resocialization, and education given to patients in the community such as vocational training.

    Treatment and rehab in patients with drug addiction is not only physical problems, such as malaria or typhoid, but also mental / psychological and social.

    Mental willingness to undergo rehab treatment is da first condition, including mental willingness to altering the personality to a more mature and flexible.
