Here is the level of drug users to drug addiction :
Esperimental :
This level is the level to try, to satisfy curiosity. At this level there is no physical or mental addiction.
Recreational :
This level of usage has begun to frequent, but limited to a specific time. Example: at the time of recreation or a party Saturday night, friends' birthdays, etc.. No physical or mental addiction.
Situational :
At this level, use of drugs are performed each time that in certain situations. Where he experienced an unpleasant feeling, for example: angry, sad, angry, edgy, and so on. The use of drugs as a way of escape from problems. Mental addiction was beginning to look, and the initiation of physical addiction.
Intensive :
This level shows the simple nature of disappointment, frustration, so that the use of drugs has been an ongoing basis. Every day and intensively. When no drugs, he would have symptoms off medication. And here began to have drug addiction.
Compulsive :
Drug usage is not controllable anymore. At this level of fear experienced symptoms of drug release.